
HKU P - SHOC - 這是香港大學多學科小組以應用程式為基礎所編寫的首個同類型課程,目的在教導學生區分校園性騷擾行為及如何應付。現已可於Google Play/ App Store下載。
2019年7月4日 | Doing Gender and Why it Matters |
2019年6月25日 | Closing the Gap: A Cross-Disciplinary Panel Discussion on Gender Equality in Hong Kong |
2019年4月1日 | Raising the Dead = Girl Power? Charismatic Practice and Women’s Authority in a Chinese Christian Church |

2017年起,香港大學將每年提供宣揚「他為她」獎學金,使需要經濟援助的學生能夠獲得港大全面資助而優質的本科生教育,希望藉此減少社會流動的障礙,以促進發展中國家獲得高等教育的性別平等 。
2017年11月12日 港大頒發首屆「HeForShe Impact Champion」獎學金
廣思博見: (只提供原文)
"The voices of marginalized girls, such as the daughters of migrant families, LBT girls, teenage mothers, pregnant teenagers, and other groups often go unheard....." read More
Statement from the East Asia Sub-regional Conference on Human Rights & Dignity of Asian Girls
“HKU’s commitment to HeForShe is “to be part of something which I think is exciting, timely, important, interesting and empowering....." read more
Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor
"...we have come a long way on this front since compulsory education was established in 1978. Today, girls in Hong Kong have ample opportunities for education....Nevertheless, we still lack female role models in many areas of leadership, including across the academic, business, professional, government, and even political sectors....." read more
Dr York Y.N. Chow, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission