HKU wins top prize "Gold Award" and "Most Liked .hk Website" two years in a row in Best .hk Website Awards
20 Apr 2017
The main website of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has won the top prize “Gold Award” and the "Most Liked .hk Website" for the second consecutive year in the “Best .hk Website Awards 2016” (“Corporate Group” in “Non-commercial Category”). The annual event is organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC). An award presentation ceremony was held today (April 20).

HKU wins “Gold Award” and the "Most Liked .hk Website Award" again in the Best .hk Website Awards 2016.
HKU has been the first university to receive the Best .hk Website Awards since the Awards were established in 2009. “Gold Award” is the highest accolade of the Awards while the "Most Liked .hk Website Award" is granted to the website which obtains the highest number of votes in an online public voting campaign.
Representing the panel of judges, Mr Simon Yeung, Group Publisher of Computerworld Hong Kong, congratulated the University and said: “The homepage design of is unique, with innovative ‘flip boards’ that scroll horizontally rather than vertically. The pages are responsive and will automatically be adjusted for different screen sizes of desktops, tablets and mobile devices. And just like the desktop and tablet versions, users switch between the ‘normal contrast’ and the ‘high contrast’ colour versions easily by clicking the related button on the mobile menu.”
All websites under the “.hk” domain names are eligible to participate in the Best .hk Website Awards and 476 entries were received this year from four categories: Commercial, Non-commercial, Government Departments and LegCo Members. The contest assesses websites in terms of design and functionality, engagement, use of social media and web accessibility. Shortlisted participants were interviewed by a panel of judges and winners of respective categories strived to enlighten the panel about the competitive advantages of their websites in their industry, how their websites enable their companies or organisations to achieve service excellence, as well as the overall benefits to the local online community, amongst others.
HKU Director of Communications Ms Katherine Ma said: “As the webmaster of, the Communications and Public Affairs Office is certainly gratified with these results, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Committee and Working Group on the Revamp of the HKU Website for their contributions, the hundreds of Faculties, Departments, Centres and Units which provide content to the HKU website literally around the clock to make informative, relevant and engaging. Last but not least, thanks for those who had voted HKU as the ‘Most Liked .hk Website’!”
“In the digital age, the University’s website is a prime tool and portal for reaching our global audience: students, colleagues, alumni, researchers, collaborators, supporters and friends. Together, I am sure we can make an even more powerful and effective tool of engagement,” Ms Ma remarked.
About the Awards
Established in 2009 by HKIRC, the Best .hk Website Awards aims to recognise the remarkable achievements of all outstanding .hk websites. Throughout these years, the Awards program has witnessed significant improvements on award winners' website quality, security and user experiences, raising the standards and benefiting the society in general. Despite emerging technologies deeply impact business and society today, the demand for website excellence remains constant.
The Awards Presentation Ceremony is staged as one of the signature events of IT Fest organised by OGCIO, where all winners are applauded. The previous gold winners included Radio Television Hong Kong, Hong Kong Observatory, The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd, MTR Corporation Ltd, The Hong Kong Society for the Aged, to name a few.
For details about the Awards, please refer to the website at:
Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) is a non-profit-distributing, non-statutory company limited by guarantee designated by the Government of the HKSAR to undertake the administration of Internet domain names under the .hk and .香港 country code top level domain. HKIRC provides registration services for English domain names ending with,,,,,, .hk and Chinese domain names ending with .公司.香港, .組織.香港, .網絡.香港, .教育.香港, .政府.香港, .個人.香港, .香港, and other domains to be introduced from time to time in Hong Kong.
The is a virtual portal literally for anyone in the world: not only for prospective and current students, but also for teachers, researchers, alumni, collaborating partners outside of Hong Kong etc., to get to know the University’s vision, aspirations and initiatives. It brings out the key strengths of HKU, highlighting the University’s research and teaching excellence, global engagement and its commitment to knowledge exchange.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Melanie Wan, Senior Manager (Media) (Tel: 2859 2600/Email:, Communications & Public Affairs Office, HKU.